Last week we took our Truly Human Leadership message on tour to Europe. I gave fifteen speeches in five days through Edinburgh, Madrid, Barcelona, Belgrade, Zurich and St. Gallen. Sara Hannah and Matt Whiat of Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute also delivered insightful presentations that deepened the discussions of the day and heightened the attendees’ understanding of our leadership journey at Barry-Wehmiller.
We spoke primarily at business schools to students, business leaders and government officials. But I also spoke to members of a Conscious Capitalism chapter in Barcelona, the Association for Human Resource Professionals and a Hacking HR symposium. I was particularly honored to speak at Foment del Treball Nacional, the federation that has represented entrepreneurs and the powerful Catalan industry since 1771. We visited the home of Adam Smith, Panmure House, and was photographed with his original copy of “The Wealth of Nations.”
It was a whirlwind of a week, but incredibly rewarding. Through those fifteen talks, I was able to deliver our message of Truly Human Leadership to thousands of people. And the response was overwhelming!
People everywhere want to know that who they are and what they do matter. They are ready for a new kind of leadership where they are recognized as humans, not functions.
Here is a video from my appearance ar Foment del Treball:
Here is a video that was put together from my appearance at the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences Comillas ICADE:
A number of articles and blog posts were written about my appearances on the tour, some of which are in their native language: RRHHdigital, Crónica, MRC International Training, Via Empressa Nedeljnik and Expansión. A few people also gave detailed thoughts in blog posts and LinkedIn articles: Susi Torres, Kallum Russell, Jaume Gurt, Chris Debner and Garry Turner.
We are very grateful for the opportunity to share our message throughout Europe. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of something much greater across the continent!
You can find photos some attendees shared on LinkedIn, as well as our daily social media posts (including videos of reactions to our message) embedded below.
Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5